Logo and Trademark Use Request

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and its acronym, FCCLA, are federally registered trademarks (U.S. Reg. Nos. 2461208, 2461209, 2545867 and 2545877). The federal registration of these trademarks provides FCCLA with certain nationwide proprietary rights, including the right to restrict the use of the trademarks on goods and merchandise outside of the goods and merchandise sold through our licensed emblematic supplier (Centricity). The FCCLA trademarks serve as important and distinctive representations of our services and products as well as the goodwill of our organization.

Please be advised that only National FCCLA can approve using the FCCLA trademarked logos, names, or acronyms. Chapter and State Associations are not permitted to approve the use of FCCLA's trademarked logos, name, or acronym to any outside vendor.

Any Chapter or State Association seeking to use FCCLA's trademarked logos, names, or acronyms on merchandise items, including but not limited to apparel, awards, signage, etc., must obtain prior approval from National FCCLA. Production of any merchandise items without prior approval is strictly prohibited.

Always reference the FCCLA Branding Guidelines when using the FCCLA logos, names, or acronyms to ensure that you are adhering to the national standards and protecting the integrity of the FCCLA brand.

It is of the utmost importance that you follow the steps below when requesting to use any FCCLA logo for branded merchandise and other promotional items. Please contact communications@fcclainc.org with any questions.

STEP 1 – Proposal Request

FCCLA has partnered with Centricity as the official vendor and supplier for all FCCLA-branded merchandise and apparel, including t-shirts, awards, and other promotional items.

FCCLA Chapter and State Associations who wish to create shirts or promotional items with the FCCLA trademarked logos, names, or acronyms must first submit a proposal request to Centricity by emailing Kim DeVenuto at KDeVenuto@centricitynow.com.

STEP 2 – Outside Vendor Request

Permission to use a supplier other than Centricity will be granted under one of the following conditions:

  • The order total is for 24 t-shirts or less.
  • Another supplier can provide the item at a lower cost, and Centricity cannot meet the price.
  • Another supplier provides items as in-kind donations to your chapter or state association.

FCCLA Chapter and State Associations who want to use a supplier other than Centricity must submit the Outside Vendor Request Application below. Once you have submitted the application, you will receive an email within 2-3 business days with further instructions. When completing the application, chapter and state advisers must also enter the contact information for the Outside Vendor. When the request is approved, the Outside Vendor will also receive an official notification from National FCCLA along with next steps to complete the Outside Vendor Agreement Form. 

Please Note:

  • Outside Vendors are required to pay a 5% royalty payment of the total order.
  • If another supplier is providing the item(s) at a lower cost and Centricity cannot meet the price, you must upload a copy of the Centricity and Outside Vendor quotes for verification to receive approval.

If you have any questions, please email communications@fcclainc.org.

Do not move on to the next step until you have received notification from FCCLA.

STEP 3 – Outside Vendor Agreement Form

Once the Outside Vendor Request has been reviewed and approved, the vendor will receive an official notification from National FCCLA. The vendor must then complete the form below to receive a one-time logo use approval.

Vendors should not complete this form until the chapter or state association has received Outside Vendor approval.

After the form is submitted, FCCLA will review it and, if approved, will grant a one-time logo use within 2 business days.

As noted above, Outside Vendors must pay FCCLA a 5% royalty payment of the total order.

Members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.