Knowledge Bowl

The FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl is a dynamic, team-based competition that tests students' knowledge and problem-solving abilities in six content areas:

  1. Personal Finance
  2. Consumer Rights & Responsibilities (to include Family, Career & Community Studies)
  3. Technology (to include Fashion & Housing Design)
  4. Health & Safety (to include Food Sciences & Nutrition and Early Childhood & Human Development)
  5. Environment (to include Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation)
  6. FCCLA Knowledge

Each team is composed of five FCCLA Members who collaborate throughout multiple rounds of competition during the year. These teams will engage in thought-provoking quizzes and challenges designed to encourage collaboration, critical thinking, and application of knowledge across these core areas.

Questions for the competition are drawn from a wide range of trusted resources, including the FCCLA and LifeSmarts websites, Family and Consumer Sciences textbooks from publishers like G-W Publisher, and other relevant educational materials. This ensures that students not only prepare from varied and robust sources but also gain a deeper understanding of the content they study in the classroom and beyond.

New for 2024-2025

In line with FCCLA’s dedication to fostering equitable and accessible opportunities for all members, significant changes have been made to the Knowledge Bowl competition structure. For the 2024-2025 competition year, both the first and second rounds of the Knowledge Bowl will be held entirely virtually. This shift is designed to alleviate the financial burden traditionally associated with attending multiple in-person conferences. By moving these preliminary rounds online, FCCLA is ensuring that more students, regardless of geographic location or financial constraints, can take part in this enriching Competitive Event.

Important Notice

Please note that when forming your team for the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl, students who qualify as part of the Top 40 teams advancing to compete at the National Leadership Conference are not permitted to also compete in a STAR Event during the conference.

Why Participate?

For Students:

Participating in the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl offers students the unique opportunity to challenge themselves in a fun, competitive environment while building essential life skills. By competing, students will:

  • Strengthen Key Knowledge Areas: Gain in-depth knowledge in areas such as personal finance, consumer rights, health, safety, and technology, all of which are critical for future career success and leadership development.
  • Enhance Teamwork and Collaboration: Work closely with peers to solve problems, share ideas, and develop communication and collaboration skills that will serve them in both school and career environments.
  • Experience National-Level Competition: Competing at the National Leadership Conference provides students with the chance to showcase their skills on a national stage, making lasting memories and connecting with peers from across the country.
  • Boost Confidence and Leadership: Participating in Knowledge Bowl fosters leadership, critical thinking, and self-confidence, as students work together to solve complex questions and represent their chapters proudly.

For Advisers:

Encouraging students to participate in the Knowledge Bowl provides numerous benefits to your chapter and members:

  • Promote Academic Excellence: Knowledge Bowl encourages academic growth and curiosity by motivating students to expand their knowledge in diverse subject areas.
  • Develop Future Leaders: By guiding students through the preparation and competition process, advisers help students develop important leadership and problem-solving skills that are key to their personal and professional growth.
  • Build Chapter Engagement: Knowledge Bowl offers a fun and exciting way to increase engagement within your chapter, as members come together to prepare, collaborate, and cheer on their teammates.
  • Elevate Your Chapter's National Presence: Success in the Knowledge Bowl at the National Leadership Conference brings recognition to your chapter on a national scale, showcasing the strength and dedication of your students.

Rounds of Competition:

(OCTOBER 21 – NOVEMBER 24, 2024)

  • Cost per team: Free – No Cost
  • Teams of five FCCLA members must first register on the LifeSmarts website. Each team will work together to complete the TeamSmarts Quiz, which contains 100 questions spanning all six content areas, including Personal Finance, Consumer Rights, Technology, Health & Safety, Environment, and FCCLA Knowledge.
  • All registered teams must submit their quiz answers by November 24, 2024. Only teams where all five members actively participate will be eligible to advance in the competition.
  • The top 40 teams with the highest scores in this round will qualify to compete at the National Leadership Conference.

(MARCH 1 – MARCH 31, 2025)

  • Cost per team: Free - No Cost
  • The top 40 teams from Round 1 will take part in another online TeamSmarts Quiz in March. This quiz will feature new questions, similar in format to Round 1, and will test the same six content areas.
  • The purpose of Round 2 is to allow teams to continue honing their knowledge and teamwork in preparation for the final championship at the National Leadership Conference. In addition, the score earned in this round will count towards their overall score at the conference.
  • Teams ranked 41-50 are encouraged to participate in this round as well. If any of the top 40 teams cannot attend the National Leadership Conference, alternate teams will be selected based on their performance in this quiz.

(JULY 5-9, 2025)

  • Cost Per Team: $100 (Each team member must also register for and attend the National Leadership Conference)
  • The top 40 teams who qualified from Round 1 will compete in person at the National Leadership Conference. This round will begin with pool play, where teams are divided into groups and compete in three buzzer matches against other teams in their pool. Scores from Round 2 will be combined with pool play results to rank the teams.
  • After pool play, the top 16 teams with the highest cumulative scores will move on to the knockout rounds, where teams will compete head-to-head in a single-elimination format. Each round will consist of both individual and team-based questions from the six content areas.
  • The final two teams will advance to the championship match, held during a general session at the National Leadership Conference. These teams will face off in an exciting final round to determine the overall winner. The third-place winner will be decided through a separate playoff between the semifinal teams that did not advance to the final.
  • The championship offers an exhilarating conclusion to the competition as teams demonstrate their knowledge and skills in front of their peers and advisers.

Important Dates:

  • October 21 – November 24, 2024: Fall TeamSmarts NLC Qualifier Quiz
  • March 1-31, 2025: Spring Knowledge Bowl TeamSmarts Quiz
  • March 31, 2025: RSVP deadline for qualified teams. RSVP here.
  • July 5-9, 2025: National Leadership Conference Championship

Reminder: Participation in the preliminary virtual round is free. Teams that qualify for the National Leadership Conference will have a registration fee of $100 per team.

For more information, please email

Members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.