Inclusion, Access, Equity, Diversity

FCCLA, its board, staff, and leadership understand that we must deepen our commitment and resolve to include the voices and experiences of our Black, Brown, First Americans, and People of Color members. It is imperative to embrace a world where Black, Brown, First Americans, and People of Color lives are respected, included, and celebrated. We can only do this by developing and implementing diverse, equal and inclusive programming and giving full voice to our Black, Brown, First Americans, and People of Color students and educators.

Have questions, concerns, ideas?  Please email this committee at

List of Committee Members

Christina Isong, Tennessee Department of Education

Christina Sargent, Nevada Chapter Adviser

Gayla Randel, Committee Chair

Gustavo Torrez, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Dr. Karen Alexander, Texas Tech University

Kim Graves, Travel Portland 

Leonardo Luna-Duran, National Officer

Mary Jo Kohl, National Board of Directors Chair 

Peter Smith III, National Officer

Rene Cabrera, Former National Officer

Sandy Spavone, Executive Director

Toshieba Ragland, Virginia Chapter Adviser

Taquila Thomas, Georgia Chapter Adviser


Members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.