NLC Competitive Events

All Competitive Events (STAR Events, FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl, Skill Demonstration Events, and Challenge Tests) will take place at the 2025 National Leadership Conference. For event-specific information, please review the 2024-2025 Competitive Events Guides located in the FCCLA Portal under Resources.

Click here for more information about individual events offered at the National Leadership Conference.

FCCLA Competitive Events and the Modernized Career Clusters 2024-2025 School Year

FCCLA recognizes that the transition from the previous Career Pathways model to the modernized Career Clusters framework is ongoing. For the 2024-2025 school year, students competing in STAR Events are not required to update their materials to reflect the modernized Career Clusters if they have already used the previous model (Career Pathways) in their presentations or materials.

At the national level, evaluators will be notified and instructed that students may use either the former Career Pathways model or the modernized Career Clusters framework. Students will not be penalized solely for using one model over the other. However, this does not exempt participants from penalties related to incorrect use, misalignment, or errors as outlined in the specific event guidelines. Students should ensure that whichever framework they choose to use, it is applied correctly and in accordance with event requirements.

FCCLA is currently in the process of preparing the 2025-2026 Competitive Events Guidelines, which will be updated to fully align with the modernized Career Clusters framework. Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, projects will be required to align with the modernized Career Clusters. Additional resources and guidance will be provided to support this transition.

New Competitive Event Opportunities at the 2025 National Leadership Conference

The Personal Finance STAR Event, presented by EVERFI, has been added for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will now have the opportunity to participate and compete at the national level. EVERFI, a leader in digital education, offers interactive courses covering various topics, including financial literacy. This new addition will provide students with the tools to understand budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. With the chance to compete nationally, students can apply their financial knowledge in a real-world context, gaining valuable skills for their future. Personal Finance, presented by EVERFI was added for the 2024-2025 school.

    • Challenge Tests

      Challenge Tests are 50-question tests developed with Goodheart-Willcox Publisher and are aligned to the National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) that allow members to demonstrate the skills they learned in their FCS courses and through their involvement in FCCLA. Ten (10) Challenge Tests will be offered this year at the 2025 National Leadership Conference.

      • Apparel: Fashion Design & Construction Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Child Development: Early Stages Through Adolescence Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Culinary Math Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • FCCLA Knowledge Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Hospitality Services Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Housing And Interior Design Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Math For Financial Literacy Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Nutrition & Wellness for Life Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Principles of Food Science Challenge (Levels 1-4)
      • Teaching Challenge (Levels 1-4)


      Challenge Test Frequently Asked Questions


      When will Challenge Tests take place? Will they be online ahead of the National Leadership Conference or in person?

      • Challenge Tests were offered in the Fall and will also take place onsite at NLC in Orlando, FL, on Saturday, July 5, in the Orange County Convention Center

      What is the cost to compete in a Challenge Test?

      • Each Challenge Test costs $25.

      What is the format of Challenge Tests?

      • Each Challenge Test consists of 50 questions; 25 true and false and 25 multiple choice questions. Participants have 30 minutes to complete each test.

      Can members compete in multiple Challenge Tests?

      • Yes, members can compete in up to ten (10) Challenge Tests.

      Do you have to qualify to compete in Challenge Tests?

      • No, you do not have to qualify. All members registered for the National Leadership Conference may register to take a Challenge Test as long as they meet the level requirement.

      Can I compete in a STAR Event AND take a Challenge Test?

      • During the National Leadership Conference, participants can participate in one (1) STAR Event OR FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl. In addition, members can compete in one (1) Skill Demonstration Event and up to ten (10) Challenge Tests. However, please note that National FCCLA will not accept any schedule requests or accommodations. The chapter adviser and the participant are solely responsible for coordinating and choosing a Skill Demonstration Event/ Challenge Test that occurs on a different day than their STAR Event/Knowledge Bowl.

      Where do you register for Challenge Tests?

      • Chapter advisers can register their members for Challenge Tests in the FCCLA Portal > Meetings & Events > 2025 National Leadership Conference starting on March 3.
    • Skill Demonstration Events

      Skill Demonstration Events provide opportunities for FCCLA Members to demonstrate college- and career-readiness skills in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) and related occupations. Members will use event criteria to demonstrate skills learned in their FCS courses and through their involvement in FCCLA. These events are a great introduction to FCCLA's Competitive Events and require a shorter time commitment than STAR Events projects. Eight (8) Skill Demonstration Events will be offered this year at the National Leadership Conference.

      • Culinary Food Art (Levels 2-3)
      • Culinary Knife Skills (Levels 1-3)
      • FCCLA Creed Speaking & Interpretation (Levels 1-2, exclusively available for first-year members)
      • Impromptu Speaking (Levels 1-3)
      • Interior Design Sketch (Levels 2-3)
      • Interviewing Skills (Levels 1-3)
      • Lesson Plan Development and Modifications (Levels 1-4)
      • #TeachFCS (Levels 1-3)

      Skill Demonstration Events operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Chapters have the opportunity to submit up to three entries per event/level. To secure a spot, do not delay registration until after your State Leadership Conference, as we anticipate reaching capacity for all Skill Demonstration Events.


      Skill Demonstration Events Frequently Asked Questions

      When will Skill Demonstration Events take place?

      • Skill Demonstration Events will take place onsite at NLC in Orlando, FL on Saturday, July 5 at the Orange County Convention Center

      What is the cost to compete in a Skill Demonstration Event?

      • Each Skill Demonstration Event costs $35.

      Can members compete in multiple Skill Demonstration Events?

      • No, members may only compete in one (1) Skill Demonstration Event.

      Do you have to qualify to compete in a Skill Demonstration Event?

      • No, you do not have to qualify. All members registered for the National Leadership Conference may register to participate in a Skill Demonstration Event as long as they meet all event and level requirements.

      Can I compete in a STAR Event AND Challenge Test/Skill Demonstration Events?

      • During the National Leadership Conference, participants can participate in one (1) STAR Event OR FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl. In addition, members can compete in one (1) Skill Demonstration Event and up to ten (10) Challenge Tests. However, please note that National FCCLA will not accept any schedule requests or accommodations. The chapter adviser and the participant are solely responsible for coordinating and choosing a Skill Demonstration Event/Challenge Test that occurs on a different day than their STAR Event/Knowledge Bowl.

      Where can I find the guidelines and rubrics?

      • Event guidelines and rubrics can be found in the FCCLA Portal > Resources > Competitive Events > 2024-2025 Skill Demonstration Event Guidelines.

      Where do you register for Skill Demonstration Events?

      • Chapter Advisers can register their members for Skill Demonstration Events in the FCCLA Portal > Meetings & Events > 2025 National Leadership Conference starting on March 3. 
    • Volunteer to Evaluate Competitive Events


      Chapter advisers and members can volunteer to assist with these events by completing the volunteer sign-up process in the FCCLA Portal as part of their 2025 NLC registration.


      Because STAR Events operates on a limited budget, unpaid volunteers are essential. State associations will be assigned to help recruit the Lead and Assistant Lead Consultants and Adult Room Consultants to help with the success of competitive events. States are also responsible for providing one evaluator and/or room consultant for every three event participants. Evaluation teams will consist of two adults, including advisers, business and industry professionals, other adults, and 12th-grade student members. They will be assigned representing different FCCLA regions. Student members can volunteer to be youth room consultants or runners for competitive events.


      Alumni & Associates members, business and industry partners, community members, school administrators, state education staff, and postsecondary FCS education students are encouraged to volunteer to assist with these events. Click here to submit the volunteer interest form.

    • Competitive Events Deadlines

      All Competitive Events participants and their advisers are responsible for reviewing the Competitive Events dates and deadline page to ensure they complete all the required tasks prior to the National Leadership Conference.

      Click here to review the dates and deadlines set for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

    • Competitive Events Hotel Policy

      As outlined in the STAR Events Guidelines, all participants must register for the National Leadership Conference Weekly Registration and stay within the official hotel block for the duration of the conference dates. STAR Events participants attending the National Leadership Conference and not staying within the conference hotel block will not be permitted to compete.

    • Parliamentary Procedure Online Testing Window

      Participants qualified for Parliamentary Procedure events are required to take an Online Test as outlined in the STAR Events Guidelines. The online test must be taken before the National Leadership Conference, within the May 1 - 31, 2025 testing window. Learn more.

    • 2025 STAR Events Online National Qualifiers

      Online STAR Events focus on integrating Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) content through digital delivery. The following events had an online preliminary round of competition at the national level. The top 20 entries in each event and level will qualify to compete at the National Leadership Conference.

      Winners for these events will be announced on March 14, 2025.

    2025 NLC STAR Events Finalist Session

    The FCCLA STAR Events Finalist Session is designed to acknowledge and celebrate the exceptional achievements of the top ten (10) national finalists in each STAR Event and level. The top ten (10) national finalists will be brought onstage to be honored for their outstanding performance. During the session, the top three (3) winners of each STAR Event will be announced live on stage, by level, and each winner will receive a plaque in recognition of their hard work, dedication, and remarkable accomplishments.

    Please carefully read the information below for more details regarding this session.

    • 2025 NLC STAR Events Finalist Frequently Asked Questions

      When will the finalists be notified?

      FCCLA will notify all competitors and their chapter advisers of the top ten (10) national finalists via email no later than Tuesday, July 8, at 3:30 PM Eastern Time. The list of finalists will be organized by STAR Event and alphabetically by chapter name. The list of STAR Event finalists will also be physically posted, published on the official conference app (Whova), and uploaded to the FCCLA website.


      When and where do finalists report for the session?

      Finalists must report to the holding room in Hall WA1 & A2 between 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 9. Finalists who are not checked in and present in the holding room by 8:30 AM will not be allowed to participate on stage. The session will start promptly at 9:00 AM. FCCLA suggests bringing a snack, as finalists cannot leave the holding room before the session.


      What are finalists required to wear?

      To ensure smooth check-in for the session, please make sure that you adhere to the official FCCLA dress code. Finalists not meeting the dress code requirements will not be allowed into the holding room. Students who competed in Culinary Arts or Baking and Pastry may wear their official chef attire for the session. Finalists must also remove any lapel, trading pins, or officer name badges from their blazers prior to entering the holding room.


      Will advisers or family members be allowed into the holding room?

      No, only the top ten (10) finalists, Lead Consultants, and National Staff are allowed to enter the holding room.


      Can finalists bring personal belongings into the holding room?

      Yes, finalists are allowed to bring personal belongings into the holding room, but FCCLA asks that they keep their belongings to a minimum. Finalists are welcome to bring a backpack to keep under their seats while onstage. After coming offstage, finalists will return to the holding room and retrieve their belongings. However, please note that FCCLA is not responsible for any lost or stolen personal belongings.


      Can someone else accept an award in my place if I leave the conference early?

      No, if you are a finalist and have left the conference before the session, you cannot send a stand-in to accept the award on your behalf. FCCLA staff will be verifying the names on the badges and the check-in sheet, so only the finalist whose name matches the information will be allowed to enter the holding area and receive the award.


      If I am not present and named a top three (3) winner, can I receive my plaque later?

      In the event of an absent finalist being named one of the top three (3) winners, their plaque can be shipped to their school at their own expense. Alternatively, state advisers may pick up the plaques after the session and deliver them to the chapters, but they must sign out the plaque. Please note that FCCLA will not be liable for any lost or misplaced plaques after they have been signed out.


      Is there a specific order in which the STAR Events will be announced?

      The STAR Events will be announced alphabetically; within each event, finalists will be called onstage by level, beginning with Level 1.


      Will there be any photography during the session?

      Yes, FCCLA will have a photographer at the front of the stage to capture photos of the top three (3) winners as they are announced. These photos will be available on FCCLA's Flickr page within two weeks after the conference.


      If I am named a finalist, can my family watch the session remotely?

      Yes, your family and friends can purchase a live stream link to watch the session live. Those who purchase a live stream link will be able to watch a recording of the session within 48 hours after the conference. Additionally, family members who are local to Orlando can purchase a session pass to attend the session in person. These passes can be purchased at the registration desk and will only be available for purchase on the day of the session.

    • STAR Events Finalist Session Live Stream

      Experience the FCCLA STAR Events Finalist Session from the comfort of your own home. Watch as the top ten national finalists in each STAR Event and level are honored for their exceptional achievements. The top three winners will be announced live on stage and will receive a plaque in recognition of their hard work, dedication, and remarkable accomplishments.

      All proceeds from the live stream purchase will support the Ultimate Leadership Fund and help recognize next year's STAR Events National Finalists. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate the success and dedication of FCCLA’s outstanding members.

      Purchase your access for $25 (non-refundable) and enjoy unlimited viewing until December 31, 2025. Each purchase allows for single sign-on access for one device.

      Important Notices

      1. Please note that refunds will not be provided under any circumstances.
      2. Because this is a live event, and technical difficulties can sometimes arise, the live stream will be recorded and available to all individuals who purchase live stream access.
      3. Should you experience technical difficulties due to login credentials, please double-check the email you used to purchase the access, as this is where your access code will be sent. Note that the confirmation email can take up to 30 minutes to reach you, and it may go to your spam folder. If you use PayPal to purchase your access, the confirmation email will be sent to the email address connected to your PayPal account.
      4. If you have internet connectivity or buffering issues, please check your internet speed and consider moving to a wired connection. FCCLA is unable to provide help or support with internet connection issues.


      With the majority of national staff working the event onsite in Orlando, we may be unable to answer your questions via phone or email during the live event. We encourage you to carefully read the FAQs, as the answers to your questions can be found in this document.

      Link and FAQs coming soon

    Members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.